The British Herpetological Society
This is our archive of past events. For future events see the Upcoming Events page.
Event Event Date Location
Kempton Park Reptile Expo Sunday 17th August 2014 1:30 pm Kempton Park Racecourse
Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium 2014 10-05-2014 Zoological Society of London
Herpetofauna of Jersey - BHS Field Trip 03-05-2014
BHS and Thames and Chiltern Herpetological Group Joint Meeting 12-04-2014 Drake Hall
BHS AGM - Saturday 29th March 29-03-2014 Natural History Museum
ARC and BHS Joint Scientific Meeting 2013 08-12-2013 Lecture Hall
Venom Day 2013 16-11-2013 Bangor University
Portsmouth Reptile & Amphibian Show 27-10-2013 Havant Leisure Centre
ERAC Reptile Breeders Show 30-09-2013 Riverside Ice & Leisure Centre
IHS Show 22-09-2013 Doncaster Dome