The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Journal is the Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal. Articles are listed in Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences,Current Contents, Science Citation Index, and Zoological Record.

 ISSN 0268-0130

2021 Impact Factor from Clarivate for the Herpetological Journal is 1.194, an increase of 0.332 from 2020.

Volume 1, Number 08, June 1989 Volume 1, Number 08, June 1989

pdf 01. Status and Conservation of Tortoises in Greece


Open Access


Authors: Ronald E. Willemsen And Adrian Hailey

pdf 02. Immunocytochemical and quantitative study of interstitial cells in the High Mountain Toad Bufo bufo gredosicola during the spermatogenetic Cycle


Open Access


Authors: Benito Fraile, Ricardo Paniagua, Francisco J. Saez, & Marina C. Rodriguez And Miguel Lizana

Abstract: The interstitial cells of the toad Bufo Bufo gredosicola were studied throughout the seasonal period of spermatogenesis (from April to October) by means of immunocytochemical detection of testosterone and quantitative histological studies. The total number of interstitial cells per testis did not vary during the spermatogenetic period. However, in April, May and October, there were many interstitial cells showing an abundant testosterone content, whereas from June to September poorly-differentiated interstitial cells with a scanty testosterone content are the most abundant interstitial cell type. Since the interstitial cells with abundant testosterone content are larger than the interstitial cells with scanty testosterone content, the volume occupied by interstitial cells decreased in June-September. The development of thumb pads coincides with that of testosterone containing interstitial cells.

pdf 03. Observations of Gut Function in young Green Turtles Chelonia mydas L


Open Access


Authors: J. Davenport, S. Antipas And E. Blake

Abstract: Food consumption in post hatchling Chelonia mydas rises linearly between 1 8°C and 33°C. It is predicted that food intake will cease between 15°C and 16°C. The large intestine of post hatchlings is only half the length of the small intestine (c.f. 2. 5 times the length of the small intestine in adults). The food of post hatchlings spend most of its transit time in the stomach and small intestine; that of yearlings (i.e. animals of0.5- 1.0 kg body wt) spends most time in the large intestine. The changes in gut proportions and in the residence time of meals in the large intestine during development are correlated with a shift from a carnivorous to a herbivorous diet. Yearling turtles are capable of digesting plant material, achieving an energy absorption efficiency of 68 per cent on a diet of Zostera ( c.f. 87 percent on a diet of cod flesh). Yearlings have the ability to move food to and fro in the large intestine; several meals reside in the large intestine at once and become mixed. Posthatchling and yearling Chelonia mydas can store food for short periods in the oesophagus.

pdf 04. Activity and Thermoregulation in three Mediterranean species of Lacertidae


Open Access


Authors: C. Pollo Mateos And Y. Perez-mellado

Abstract: A study was made of the thermoregulatory development and activity rhythms, both daily and annual, or three species of mediterranean Lacertidae: Psammodromus algirus. P. hispanicus and A canthodactylus erythrurus. recording 505 cloaca! temperatures (TB). Statistically significant correlations were found between the TB and the TA and TS (temperatures of the body, environment and substrate, respectively) values of the different age and sex classes established in P. algirus and P. hispanicus but not in some age and sex classes of A. erythrurusA. erythrurus, mainly the adult males, was the species that showed the greatest thermoregulatory efficiency. Both Psammodromus species remain active from March to October, while the fringe-toed lizard shows an annual activity from May to September.

pdf 05. Observations on foam making by Leptodactylus fuscus tadpoles


Open Access


Authors: J. R. Downie

Abstract: Downie (1984) showed that recently hatched tadpoles of the ground nesting frog Leptodactylus fuscus make a foam which replaces the original nest foam made by the mating adults, but did not describe how it is made. The present results show that 1) foam-making is a communal activity: single tadpoles do not do it; 2) foam bubbles are made mainly by spitting movements oft he mouth, but also by wriggling of the tail; 3) foam is probably stabilised by mucus secreted by buccal glands; precocious secretion by these glands may be an adaptation to foam-ma king; 4) components of foam making behaviour are shown by other tadpole species out of water, but the complete behaviour is specific to recently hatched L. .fuscus.

pdf 06. Observations on the aquatic locomotion of young salt water crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus Schneider)


Open Access


Authors: J. Davenport And M. D. J. Sayer

Abstract: Swimming behaviour of young salt-water crocodiles was studied in capitivity by analysis of video films. Resting postures in fresh and salt water, escape responses, jumping and food handling behaviour were investigated.

pdf 07. Activity and home range of the lizard Lacerta agilis L


Open Access


Authors: A. M. Nicholson And Ian F. Spellerberg

Abstract: During a three-year period of research on the lizard Lacerta agilis, observations on activity and home range area were obtained for two seasons. It was found that L. agilis had overlapping home ranges. The home range area of L. agilis was found to be smaller than would be predicted from studies on the relationship between the size of various lizard species and home range areas.

pdf 08. Diet and reproductive biology of the Rottnest Island Bobtail, Tiliqua rugosa konowi (Lacertilia, Scincidae)


Open Access


Authors: Glenn M. Shea

Abstract: Diet and reproduction in Tiliqua rugosa konowi were examined by dissection of museum specimens. Tiliqua r. konowi attains a smaller size than other races of T. rugosa. Adult males and females were similar in size. Reproduction was seasonal, both testis length and ovarian follicle diameter peaking in early Spring (September). One or two young were born in late summer ( February). The diet included large quantities of both plant and animal material, as in other subspecies, and contained a high proportion of Acanthocarpus preissii seeds and piedish beetles (Tenebrionidae) in spring and summer.

pdf 09. The Distribution in England of the Smooth Snake (Coronella austriaca Laurenti)


Open Access


Authors: A. C. Braithwaite, J. Buck Ley, K. F. Corbett, P. W. Edgar, E. S. H Aslewood, G. A. O. Haslewood,
t. E. S. Langton, W. J. Whitaker

Abstract: The British Herpetological Society (BHS) contracted with the Nature Conservancy Council during the years 1984-7 inclusive to determine the distribution and population characteristics of the smooth snake Coronella austriaca Laurenti in England. 14-19 BHS members, assisted by other persons,  surveyed likely areas by direct observation and by searching under metal sheets (tins) and debris. Snakes were identified by descriptions, measurements, drawings or photographs and their occurrence marked on maps; they were usually sexed by relative tail length. Weather conditions at the time of sighting were recorded. BHS members surveyed altogether 1 96 sites and found not less than 26 1 snakes on 86 sites. The survey measured 118 males, 64 females and 58 immature (less than 42cm total length) snakes: the remaining 21 were not measured. Evidence of breeding (gravid and/or immature snakes) was found on 40 sites. Implications for conservation are considered. A map shows the approximate limits of Coronel/a occurrence and I Okm squares in which snakes were found. The text includes observations on mating, times of birth, length of snakes and persistence in small areas.

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Please note that as from Volume 31 Number 1 (January 2021) on, the Herpetological Journal will be available as an online publication only - the last print edition will be Volume 30 Number 4.   

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