The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Journal is the Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal. Articles are listed in Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences,Current Contents, Science Citation Index, and Zoological Record.

 ISSN 0268-0130

2021 Impact Factor from Clarivate for the Herpetological Journal is 1.194, an increase of 0.332 from 2020.

Volume 5, Number 1, January 1995 Volume 5, Number 1, January 1995

pdf 01. Establishment of populations of the common frog, Rana temporaria, and common toad, Bufo bufo, in a newly created reserve following translocation


Open Access


Authors: A. S. Cooke And R. S. Oldham

Abstract: The establishment of large populations of common frogs Rana temporaria and common toads Bufo bufo was monitored for six years in a newly-created reserve, following stocking with spawn of both species and with toads rescued from a site to be destroyed. Frog spawn output reached a peak three years after the initial introduction. There was high mortality and/or emigration (64% loss) during the first year following translocation of over 5,000 adult male toads. Thereafter male mortality decreased and/or site fidelity increased: 39% loss year 2 to 3, 42% loss year 3 to 4. Comparable data were not available for the 795 females translocated, but there is no reason to believe their mortality was lower. Transfer of spawn is probably more effective as a means of establishing a new population of toads than transfer of adults. Counts of male toads peaked after three years, but delayed sexual maturity of females meant that counts of pairs and estimates of spawn output continued to increase for about six years. Age determination in a sample of 4] male toads showed that length was significantly related to age, but there were some notably disparate rates of growth. A sample of 16 females showed no correlation between age and length. The greatest recorded losses of naturally-laid spawn of both species (up to 1 6% in one year for the frog and 39% for the toad) were due to desiccation, presumed collection by people and fungal infestation.

pdf 02. Habitat selection and thermal ecology of the sympatric lizards Podarcis muralis and Podarcis hispanica in a mountain region of central Spain


Open Access


Authors: Javier Martin-v Allejo, Javier Garcia-ferna Dez, Valentin Perez-mellado & Jose Luis Vicente-villardon

Abstract: We studied habitat selection, field body temperatures (TB) and activity cycles in sympatric populations of the lacertid lizards Podarcis muralis and Podarcis hispanica in a mountain area in Central Spain. Different patterns of habitat selection for the two species were found: P. muralis occupies N and NW facing talus sites, while P. hispanica shows a less habitat-specific distribution at the study site. Inter- and intraspecific differences in TBs were found, while thermoregulatory precision analyses showed differences between adult male and female P. muralis. Hypotheses based on activity cycles, habitat selection and basking behaviour are discussed to explain such results in two closely related species.

pdf 03. Sexual maturation in Varanus salvator (Laurenti, 1768), with notes on growth and reproductive effort


Open Access


Authors: Harry V. Andrews

Abstract: In captivity, Varanus salvator attains sexual maturity when they are just over one metre in total length and 50 cm snout-vent length. Maturity can be attained at the end of two years. Males and females tend to grow throughout the breeding season. Egg-laying seasons are closely synchronized with those in the wild. No significant difference was noticed in clutch and egg sizes of younger females when compared to those of older and larger females.

pdf 04. Prevalence of endoparasites in Round Island Reptiles


Open Access


Authors: Peter Daszak

pdf 06. Tadpole growth is there an interference effect in nature


Open Access


Authors: Trevor J. C. Beebee

pdf 07. Interference competition in tadpoles are multiple agents involved


Open Access


Authors: James W. Petranka

pdf 08. Determining competition mechanisms in tadpole assemblages


Open Access


Authors: R. A. Griffiths

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