The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Journal is the Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal. Articles are listed in Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences,Current Contents, Science Citation Index, and Zoological Record.

 ISSN 0268-0130

2021 Impact Factor from Clarivate for the Herpetological Journal is 1.194, an increase of 0.332 from 2020.

Volume 5, Number 4, October 1995 Volume 5, Number 4, October 1995

pdf 01. Mating calls of three species of anurans from Borneo


Open Access


Authors: M. J. Sanchez-herraiz, R. Marquez, L. J. Barbadillo And J. Bosch

Abstract: Mating calls of three anuran species from Borneo, Rana glandulosa, R. signata and Polypedates leucomystax were analysed. The audiospectrograms obtained were compared with previously published descriptions of the calls of these species in different geographic areas. The comparisons revealed a high level of heterogeneity of the calls within the range of R. signata and P. leucomystax. The possible taxonomic implications of these findings are also discussed. The first description of the mating call of R. glandulosa is presented.

pdf 02. Crystallins in lenses of gekkonid lizards (Reptilia, Gekkonidae)


Open Access


Authors: Beate Röll

Abstract: The ocular lenses of the Gekkonidae differ in their crystallin compositions. The lenses of all species investigated contain variable amounts of α-, β-, γ-, and t-crystallins, which are commonly found in lenses of various vertebrates. Additionally, in lenses of the distantly related genera Phelsuma and Lepidodactylus another crystallin has been found which is a 38 kDa monomer and comprises about 20% of the total amount of crystallins. All other gekkonid species investigated, both nocturnal and diurnal, do not possess this crystallin. This distribution is highly surprising. It neither supports a possible correlation between similarity of crystallin composition and similarity of habits, nor a possible correlation between crystallin composition and phylogenetic relationship. Closer examination of the biochemical properties of the 38 kDa 'gecko' crystallin and comparison with other !axon-specific crystallins, especially the Ecrystallin of some other sauropsids, leads to the conclusion that this 38 kDa crystallin may be a so far undescribed novel type of crystallin

pdf 03. Habitat association of the tortoises Geochelone pardalis and Kinixys spekii in the Sengwa wildlife research area, Zimbabwe


Open Access


Authors: Adrian Hailey And Ian M. Coulson

Abstract: There have been few studies of the mechanism of niche separation in sympatric tortoises. This paper examines the habitat association of Geochelone pardalis and Kinixys spekii at the Sengwa Wildlife Research Area, using data on 460 tortoises marked from 1 982 to 1 992. Tortoises were found in most of the vegetation types present. Habitat niche breadth was slightly greater in G. pardalis (B=0.48) than in K. spekii (B=0.36). There was considerable niche overlap between the two species (0=0.76), the only major difference being the greater use of riverine grassland by G. pardalis. Home range areas of individuals recaptured in several years were significantly larger in G. pardalis (mean 26 ha) than in K. spekii (mean 3.1 ha). The pattern of refuge use differed between the two species; K. spekii used burrows, and G. pardalis used thickets and felled trees.

pdf 04. Notes on the life history and reproductive behaviour of Cynops eniscauda popei (Amphibia Salamandridae)


Open Access


Authors: Max Sparreboom And Hidetoshi Ota

Abstract: Field observations of the sword-tailed newt, Cynops ensicauda popei (Inger 1 947), have yielded preliminary data on life-history traits and reproductive behaviour. In April 1 993 the animals were abundant in the breeding ponds and on land. Compared to European species of Triturus, this species has an extended breeding season. Few of the observed courtship encounters progressed to the spermatophore transfer phase. Competitive encounters were frequent. The sexual behaviour of Cynops ensicauda popei is characterised by a short duration of display behaviour and a small repertoire of courtship behaviour patterns. The reproductive behaviour is compared to that of related salamandrids.

pdf 05. Food habits of Mediterranean populations of the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca)


Open Access


Authors: L. Rugiero , M. Capula, E. Filippi And L. Luiselli

pdf 07. Size structure and sex ratios of dwarf caiman in the Serra Amolar, Pantanal, Brazil


Open Access


Authors: Zilca Campos, Marcos Coutinho And Clarence Abercrombie

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