The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Bulletin is a quarterly publication in English. It includes full-length papers, natural history notes, book reviews, and other items of general herpetological interest. Emphasis is placed on natural history and conservation as well as captive care that includes breeding, husbandry, veterinary, and behavioural aspects.

Issue Number 121 – Autumn 2012 Issue Number 121 – Autumn 2012

pdf 1. Locomotion in Reptiles


Open Access

R. McNeill Alexander

pdf 4. Annual and daily activity cycles of snakes in northern Virginia, USA


Open Access

Carl H. Ernst, John M. Orr, Terry R. Creque, Arndt F. Laemmerzahl and Traci D. Hartsell

pdf 5. Body temperatures of Sceloporus anahuacus from a montane zone of northeastern Estado de México, Mexico


Open Access

Luis E. Ávila-Bocanegra, Geoffrey R. Smith, Guillermo A. Woolrich-Piña and Julio A. Lemos-Espinal

pdf 6. Reproduction in Lygisaurus curtus (Scincidae) from Papua New Guinea


Open Access

 Stephen R. Goldburg and Christopher C. Austin

pdf 8. Distributional range of the poorly known Liolaemus tacnae (Shreve 1941)


Open Access

Jaime Troncoso-Palacios and Richard Etheridge

pdf 9. Natural history notes


Open Access

  • Phyllomedusa iheringii: Egg predation
    Tailise Dias, Franciele Maragno and Tiago Santos 
  • Hemidactylus mabouia (Tropical House Gecko): Predation
    Caio A. Figueiredo-de-Andrade and Adriano Lima Silveira
  • Gymnodactylus geckoides (naked-toed gecko): Predation
    Crizanto B. De-Carvalho, Rafael A. Do Santos, Stephanie M. Rocha1, Francis L.S. Caldas, Evellyn B. De Freitas, Bruno D. Da Silva, Daniel O. Santana and R.G. Faria
  • Pseudacris streckeri illinoensis (Illinois chorus frog): Large wound in holotype
    Lauren E. Brown

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